Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Warmth, fire and grace

Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. The name to me conjures warmth, fire and grace in musical expression. From the early 1970's, I have had a great admiration for the voice and demeanor of the notable German baritone. Even before I really had much desire to sing in a more formal manner, I found inspiration in his voice and the literature he had selected to present.

Now that I am singing more formally, I still find inspiration in his tone, in his diction and in his repertoire. I am too old to aspire to his greatness. I am not too old old to reach for his level of expression to be found in some way in my voice and persona.

I have selected this artist because of his inspiration to me. Greatness is a matter of degree. Fame doth not always smile on its recipients. Greatness may be worn with more grace and aplomb. It also calls for a nod to the source of the gifts from which greatness is wrought. I thus nod to the giver of all gifts. Each of us has innate greatness within us of some sort. It is, in my lifelong opinion, the essence of life to one, find the gifts; two, develop the gifts; and three, share the gifts. All is else is ultimately chaff. Interesting chaff, perhaps. But chaff nonetheless.

Find. Develop. Share.

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