Thursday, August 25, 2005

Heroic efforts with heroic material

Karlheinz Stockhausen.

To say much about this man is to try to explain how a duck quacks. Or how a balloon full of helium floats upward. You just have to sit and listen. Or walk and listen. Or get involved and listen. It's about letting the music get into your personal stream.

Listen. Live. Listen. Live.

A hero? Not in a traditional sense. In my book, his feet of clay, his grey matter and his efforts to advance his little corner of our musical heritage qualifies him for something. Heroic efforts often do yield heroic results.

On a personal note, I wish to study with Herr S. in Kurten next year or before he either stops teaching or passes from us. I may miss that train.

I hope I do not miss that train.

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