Monday, August 15, 2005

First in an informal series of my "heroes"

At the beginning of another week, I feel led to give some small nod, honor to one of the small list of people whom I would not hesitate to call a "hero" of mine. Feet of clay and all, this group will not include total unknowns. The effort on my part is to shine my personal spotlight on the larger personality and life so as to give credit and thanks for the life of another.

Brian Wilson. I certainly do not claim to have new info on this remarkable man. No. He has always been my nearly-constant musical companion since 1964 or so. At a tender age, I found the harmonies launched like Athena from the shield of the Four Freshman and HiLo's. His dense combinations of notes and timbres moulded my fertile mind and gave me the inspiration to walk into the uncharted scope of "harmony." Everyond around me walked the thin red line of melody. I was drawn to the thicker, wilder if you will, blue line of harmony. Armed with the open door of so many other notes upon which to draw, I was never at a loss for some other way to express myself.

The real payoffs came for me early and still come now. Beauty of expression is for the edification of one's own self and for the others around when there are soundings. I feel so fortunate to have been privy to Brian's distillations and expressive quirkiness. His blazed trail gave me a path away from the usual. Where he walked and sang, so did I. Thanks to Brian Wilson for pulling notes and spirit together and pushing it to the doors of my mind.

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