Sunday, March 13, 2016

Courage, my Friends!

Note:This post has lain dormant for untold months if not years. I publish it now as a document from the past which has come to us in the present. Read it as a prophecy. 

I'm struck by the stark question we must all face: 

what do we 

fear more - what Donald Trump will do or 

say or what We will not do or say? 

If I were a betting man, I would place my fondest 

wager on the latter. We must answer for it, while 

DT alone must answer for the former.

Let us face our fears and not catalog the 

frailties of another. 

It is far, far too easy a task to 

look upon another and opine. The nobler task is to look 

into the mirror and not fall down in a heap as we see 

what we have become in our absence.

Courage, my Friends!

Thursday, March 03, 2016

What you see is musical score. Or is it? There are recognizable "notes" and there are vaguely drawn references to clusters, massed pitches and mere noise. Why is this seen as a score to play? Is it because of the structure? There is a musical staff - 3 staves to be completely accurate. And yet, the overall read of the "score" is "Art". 

When we see something new, our minds attempt to categorize it and place it in context. What are we seeing? Is it interesting? Is it edible? Is it dangerous? Is it there at all? And then we act.

When we have evaluated the threat-level, we are free to dig deeper if the coast is clear, so to speak. In this case, it's just a presumed musical score. But how do approach it? Can we sing it? Can we play it? Can we really do anything with it? Or, conversely, can we do everything with it?

One of the scariest realizations is when we see that a path has opened for us, we can move forward and there are no rules. We will make up the rules. After we move into the unknown, then the world opens up to us. There are few lions on this path to devour us. Most of the lions are creations of our own making.

Today, when the path opens to you, take it!