Monday, August 22, 2005

Please pardon my mess

It is the dawning of a new day. My personal exposure to those around me has expanded. What is my reponsibility to move forward the game pieces of my creative life? I am not playing against anyone except perhaps Time. In The Seventh Seal, the Knight plays for his life and the lives of those companions sheltered in their personal bubble beside the Plague. I am set to move my creative charges ahead to the outer sphere I would call the world.

Some of my musical additions have been learned and played. Many of my paper creations are in the hands of others. More singing is on the horizon. Other digital images and paperart await the push beyond my personal perimeter. The game is afoot.

Though I've had qualms about bringing my creations to the table before, I have an inner mandate. It is time. 'Create and share'. 'Create and share'. This is no time for 'Create'. It is time for the full cycle. Time is always precious. Something about 50 brings the momentum of share even to the more reticient of us humans. I am one of the reticent ones.

Please pardon my remodeling mess. Reticence is in transition to Reception and Resurgence and Replenishment.

Please pardon my mess.

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